Friday, September 4, 2009

Satellite Launched Disaster Mitigation 2011

Satelit Mitigasi Bencana Diluncurkan 2011

Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) in 2011 plans to launch a satellite Lapan twin Twinsat for disaster mitigation.

Head LAPAN Ir Dr Adi Sadewo Salatun, after signing a memorandum of understanding with the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) in Bogor, said Tuesday, Lapan Twinsat consisting of two twin satellites of the satellite "surveillance" and the satellite "Imager" is more accurate.

"Twinsat will be launched using rocket Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) in 2011. We have signed a cooperation contract for the satellite launch," he said.

The existence of these twin satellites, he said. intended for emergency communications when disasters.

Both satellites are currently in the process of integration in Rancabungur district, Bogor Regency, West Java. The satellite will be launched at an altitude of 650 km with inclination angle corresponding to the geographical position of Indonesia, which is 6-9 degrees.

"The ability to create micro satellites must be in our hands first, and later to the scale-up (development) further," he said.

Previously, LAPAN has made micro-satellite Lapan-Tubsat cooperation with the Technische Universitaet Berlin, Germany, which was launched in 2007 at the Sriharikota India.Hingga Lapan-Tubsat now still operate properly.

LAPAN also is building a satellite Lapan Lapan-A2 and-ORARI functioning for earth observation and communications.

In addition, said Adi, it also initiated the development of Edu-center is acceptable in all regions for the purposes of teaching.

We have already mapped LAPAN more than 300 thousand points or schools across Indonesia that can receive satellite broadcasts from the center of Edu.

"To be able to take advantage of these satellites, each school only need Rp 5 million to fund dish and other equipment," he said.

On the whole, he continued, needed 38 transponders, 20 transponders for tele-education and the rest can be used for commercial purposes.

However, said Adi, LAPAN not skilled in the operation of the satellite that is placed at an altitude of 36 thousand kilometers above the earth.

"I think SOE like Telkom is more experienced in operation," he said

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