Monday, February 1, 2010

Arguing on Twitter dangers

A Twitter strife has resulted in a murder case in New York, last December. New York police themselves using Tweets as evidence in the case.

Twitter user named Jameg Blake, 22 years old, was accused of shooting Kwame Dancy, 22 years old, with a long barrel gun in the neck. Nevertheless, he pleaded not guilty.

Cases that occurred on December 1, then it is the first incident in which Tweets used as evidence in a murder trial.

Several hours before the shooting occurred, Dancy and Blake, who had been friends since childhood, looking at each other a high-pitched message.

Police spokesman stated that these messages can be used as evidence for the theory that there had been disputes between the two friends are.

"The dispute is not a reason for someone to shoot someone else," said Madeline Smith, the mother of Kwame Dancy, as VIVAnews quotes from the New York Daily News, January 12, 2010. "This is really crazy. I do not know what's going on Twitter, "he said

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