Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fit Body Increase Child Academic Achievement

A fit body will make the child get good grades in school, according to a study of West Virginia University, Morgantown, United States (U.S.), as quoted by AP on Friday.

"Exercise fitness in children associated with their akedemis capabilities," said the researcher, Lesley Cottrell, who is also a teacher of Pediatrics.

Cottrell scheduled this week to present the hypothesis that the participants before the American Heart Association Conference 2010 About Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism in San Francisco, USA.

In general, the more fit a child the higher the test result, researchers such as Kathleen Cottrell Team Dohey from HealthDay.

The researchers have assessed nearly 1,200 children, measuring their fitness program in fifth grade, then in seventh grade.

They tested the children, with standard tests, in four subjects of reading, mathematics, natural science, and social sciences.

The researchers put forward the hypothesis that children who maintain fitness during the two years will get good grades and was proven.

The evaluation using the Fitness Gram test to measure fitness as the time required to run a mile and then calculate the average is included in the fitness area or not.

In every test in these four subjects, a child who runs the gym in the fifth and seventh grades keep getting an average score highest.

Those who do not fit in the fifth grade and stayed that way until the seventh grade who score low in reading, with an average value of 2.91 from scale of five.

Those who follow the fitness training in the fifth grade but did not resume training until the seventh grade had lower academic improvement, 3.03 average in reading.

Instead of children who do not follow the fitness training in the fifth grade, but then followed regularly until the seventh grade just to get the best value, an average of 3.31 in reading.

In reading the value of three or more is called a 'master'.

The emphasis on fitness, not weight, Cottrell said has breathed like good news for children with excessive body weight.

"The truth is their fitness levels are associated a better value, not their weight index," he said while denying the previous studies that indicate otherwise.

Research results were not surprising Todd Galati, a trainer and spokesperson for the physiology of the American Council on Exercise in San Diego, USA.

"These findings fit with other research that shows the same relationship between increased fitness and high test scores," he explained.

Why touch? "I believe it shows the relationship of mind and body. We have a body to be moved," he added.

Activities organized body that will produce good feelings, a healthy sugar levels, and increase focus and attention.

According to Galati and Cottrell, existing data show that schools and parents should pay more attention to the importance of physical activity.

Another study at the conference also showed the same conclusion. Researchers from the University of Maryland, College Park, 2400 involving a girl for ten years, and examined their obesity rates.

The girls with physical activity levels on average each week have levels of obesity are lower than those who are inactive, so the results of the study. (*)
jemadu liberty translated from HealthDay
editor: jafar sidik

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Malaysia Denies Terrorist Training ATM Involved

Malaysian Defense Minister Zahid Hamidi A denies involvement ATM (Malaysian Military Forces) in terrorist training in Aceh, followed in some army uniforms uniforms similar to ATM.

Zahid Hamidi Minister of Defense admitted that he had asked Malaysian Embassy in Jakarta to obtain a full report on the discovery of several police uniforms that resemble military uniforms in ATM raid in Aceh, according to Malaysian media on Tuesday.

He asserted there would be no involvement either directly or indirectly by ATM in insurrection or terrorist activity in neighboring countries.

Malaysian Defense Minister said that news related to the Aceh police who raided a terrorist training camp in the forest-Interlace, Aceh Besar. About 50 people suspected of frequent military exercises for the purpose of terrorism.

When conducted raids by 100 members of the police, they did fire, causing a shootout. After 14 hours later, the police may stifle their opposition and dismantling their headquarters.

Police shocked at the military training site has a complete firearms, knives command, telescope, military rations, several sets of clothes similar to the ATM soldiers and tent.

All findings were then taken to the Jakarta Police Headquarters for further investigation

Turkey's ambassador Pull U.S. Resolution Problem For Destruction Family

Turkey, a NATO member, on Thursday took to the U.S. ambassador for consultations after voting in the U.S. congressional commission considers the mass killing of the Armenians during the First World War by the Ottoman Turks (Ottoman Empire) as genocide.

In a statement, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan also said he was concerned that a non-binding resolution that would damage Turkish-US relations and the efforts by Turkey, a secular, and Armenia, a Christian, to bury a century of hostility.

"We condemn the bill blamed the Turkish state for a crime that this country does not do.'s Ambassador in Washington has been invited to Ankara for consultations this evening," Erdogan said in a statement released on the Internet page of his office.

"We are seriously concerned that the draft bill approved by the commission, despite all our warnings, will damage Turkish-US relations and efforts to restore the Turkish-Armenian relations."

Turkey, Muslim but secular democracy, plays an important role for U.S. interests from Iran to Afghanistan to the Middle East.

Turkey and Armenia last year signed a historic deal to bury a century of hostility and open the border. The agreement, signed with U.S. support, the European Union and Russia, still must be ratified by the parliament in Ankara and Yerevan.

Turkey accepts that many Armenians were killed by Ottoman Turkish forces but denied the number reached 1.5 million men who died and that it was the same as genocide or ethnic annihilation - the term used by many Western historians and some European parliaments.

In 2007, Ankara interesting ambassador to Washington after a U.S. commission approved the bill the same. U.S. President George W. when it Bush warned that revenue and it will never reach the floor of congress. Turkey's ambassador returned to office after a week

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Indonesian Anticipation World War Maya

Indonesia Antisipasi Perang Dunia Maya
Indonesia was preparing an integrated information technology system to anticipate the war through the virtual world (cyber war), which has pioneered a number of countries.

"Information war, a war of technology into today's global challenges. Therefore it is impossible to ignore, except to build a system of adequate information technology, strong and solid," said Deputy Secretary of Defense Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin in Jakarta, Tuesday.

He explains, one of the components that will be strengthened is the role, functions and media technology to be a means to mengantipasi technology and information warfare, the war through cyberspace.

"Media is one component of non-military defense that can be empowered to support the national defense system is strong, empowering one with the media in anticipation of war through the virtual world, the war of information technology," said Sjafrie.

Related to the Ministry of Defense will hold a workshop involving businessmen and media actors to formulate an integrated information technology system in the face of war through the information technology virtual worlds.

Sjafrie asserted, other than conventional war that must remain anticipated with adequate performance of military force, the threat of unconventional war such as the war of information technology, virtual world, also must be anticipated and managed properly.

"We were not able to modernize the main tool of the existing weapon systems with the maximum, because of budget constraints but we would still do a gradual, while anticipating the threat of unconventional war, according to the strategic development of the existing environment," he said.

U.S. Losing Patience On Iran

United States (U.S.), Tuesday, warned Iran that "time and patience"'s getting lost amid uncertainty about the attitude of Tehran's nuclear program.

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs repeated U.S. warnings about the "consequences" that Iran will receive if he continues to develop its nuclear enrichment capabilities.

Statement of the Iranian leaders recently shown they have no desire to build confidence in the world that its nuclear program was intended for peaceful purposes, he said.

The Government of Iran, Monday, announced that it will build two more nuclear enrichment plants in the mountains that closed the refinery in order to protect it from air attack.

But a day later, in a letter to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Iran confirmed its readiness to buy a nuclear reactor fuel in the region.

In contrast, Western camp offers trading nuclear reactor fuel can only be done outside of Iran.

Spokesman U.S. State Department, Philip Crowley, confirmed that Iran's recent proporal "unacceptable".

"We will continue to work together in the hall to consult the IAEA and international steps below, including the possibility of new sanctions for Iran," he said.

Crowley said his side did not close the door for further involvement of Iran during a willingness to work together.

"In fact, Iran made a series of statements from day to day and week by week but refused to come to the negotiating table with a positive belief," he said.

Major powers suspect Iran is the world's uranium enrichment to make nuclear weapons are camouflaged in civilian nuclear program. Consistently, Iran denies this accusation.

Uranium enrichment is already experiencing can be used as fuel for nuclear reactors or to produce an atomic bomb core division.

In conflict with Western countries about its nuclear program, Iran refused IAEA version of the agreement are willing to supply nuclear fuel for Iran's nuclear reactors.

In exchange, Iran asked to send uranium enrichment had experienced. (R013/K004)