Sunday, February 1, 2009

U.S. Losing Patience On Iran

United States (U.S.), Tuesday, warned Iran that "time and patience"'s getting lost amid uncertainty about the attitude of Tehran's nuclear program.

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs repeated U.S. warnings about the "consequences" that Iran will receive if he continues to develop its nuclear enrichment capabilities.

Statement of the Iranian leaders recently shown they have no desire to build confidence in the world that its nuclear program was intended for peaceful purposes, he said.

The Government of Iran, Monday, announced that it will build two more nuclear enrichment plants in the mountains that closed the refinery in order to protect it from air attack.

But a day later, in a letter to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Iran confirmed its readiness to buy a nuclear reactor fuel in the region.

In contrast, Western camp offers trading nuclear reactor fuel can only be done outside of Iran.

Spokesman U.S. State Department, Philip Crowley, confirmed that Iran's recent proporal "unacceptable".

"We will continue to work together in the hall to consult the IAEA and international steps below, including the possibility of new sanctions for Iran," he said.

Crowley said his side did not close the door for further involvement of Iran during a willingness to work together.

"In fact, Iran made a series of statements from day to day and week by week but refused to come to the negotiating table with a positive belief," he said.

Major powers suspect Iran is the world's uranium enrichment to make nuclear weapons are camouflaged in civilian nuclear program. Consistently, Iran denies this accusation.

Uranium enrichment is already experiencing can be used as fuel for nuclear reactors or to produce an atomic bomb core division.

In conflict with Western countries about its nuclear program, Iran refused IAEA version of the agreement are willing to supply nuclear fuel for Iran's nuclear reactors.

In exchange, Iran asked to send uranium enrichment had experienced. (R013/K004)

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