Thursday, December 3, 2009

Internet Usage Study Connect With Depression

People who spend a lot of time to surf the Internet are more likely to show signs of depression, British scientists said on Wednesday.

It is not clear whether the Internet causes depression or whether depressed people who are interested to use it.

The psychologist from Leeds University found what they say as proof of "striking" that some people are enamored of using the Internet to develop the habit of encouragement to be in a network (online).

Through these activities, they can replace the real world social interaction with chat room "online" and social networking pages.

"This study strengthens the public opinion that the involvement in the network that serves to replace the normal social function may be associated with psychiatric disorders like depression and addiction," wrote the study's lead author, Catriona Morrison, in the journal Psychopathology.

"This kind of surfing addiction can have a serious impact on mental health," he said, Reuters reported.

In the first large-scale study of young people to study the West's case, the researchers analyzed the use of the Internet and levels of depression in the 1319 British people aged between 16 and 51 years.

They concluded, among those studied, 1.2 percent of "Internet addiction".

People who "Internet addiction" was finished, prominently, more time to surf on the network that satisfy them sexually, pages games "online" and the "online", said Morrison.

They are also more experienced events moderate to severe depression compared with the normal user.

"Excessive Internet use associated with depression, but what we do not know which is which occurs first - whether the depressed people interested in using the Internet or whether the Internet causes depression?" Morrison said.

"What is clear is that for a small group of people, excessive Internet use can be a warning sign for the tendency of depression," he said.

Morrison said although the amount of 1.2 percent for those who are categorized as "addiction" was small, it was still more than the gambling event in the UK, which amounted to as much as 0.6 percent.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Exploring the Ocean to the Basis "Google Earth"

Menjelajahi Dasar Samudera dengan Google EarthInternet users began Thursday (5 / 2) can "explore" the life of the ocean thanks to the growing base map features service "Google Earth".

In addition, the service features an interactive map of this virtual world also helps those who are interested in the history of World War II with a variety of photo bombing European cities.

"Features historic images that give people a unique perspective on the events of the past by using the latest mapping technology," said Laura Scott of Google Europe as reported AFP.

With the image feature service World War II, citizens of the world can increasingly understand the history of Europe with "new ways" and learn more about the impact of war on the development of cities in Europe, he said.

Included in the new service Google Earth is the photographs of the 35 European cities taken in 1943 and the city state which suffered war Warsaw in 1935 and 1945.

Google Earth users can also directly compare the condition of the city during the war with the current condition.

The pictures were reminiscent of the devastating impact of war on the inhabitants of the city and people great ability to rebuild the shattered perkotaannya environment, said Scott.

For Google Earth visitors who enjoyed life under the sea, they are now spoiled with a complete tour of famous Oceanographer narrative "National Geographic", Sylvia Earle.

They are also pampered with a collection of videos about the uniqueness of the landscape and the lives of marine animals, like whales "humpback".

Various photos and video of marine life that donated the photographers, naturalists, government agencies and non-government to the feature "crawl under the ocean" Google Earth, launched a year ago.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Popular Internet media in the U.S. Third

Media Internet Terpopuler Ketiga di Amerika

Internet has become the most popular news platforms in the United States third, under the local television broadcast and national in the country, according to survey Internet & American Life Project and the Project for Excellence in Journalism, Pew Research Center, Monday.

According to the survey, 78 percent of 2259 U.S. adults are captured by the poll, said that on an average day they get news from local TV stations.

Then, 73 percent claimed to get news from national television networks such as CBS or the cable TV stations such as CNN or Fox.

61 percent admitted, the usual day, they get news from Internet news pages, while 54 percent get it from radio news programs at home or in a vehicle.

50 percent said getting the news from local newspapers and 17 percent of the national newspapers like the New York Times or USA Today.

99 percent claimed to get news, from one of the following three media platforms; print editions of local and national newspapers, local TV stations and national, and radio or the Internet.

92 percent said the average day, they get news from many media platforms, with half of them take advantage of four to six daily media platforms.

21 percent of U.S. adults who get news online by relying on themselves to one page of news and information, but 57 percent of the mixing of two and five platforms, according to the survey.

Eleven percent claimed to get news from more than five pages and 65 percent said no favorite pages.

"The Americans became addicted to the news online and offline, but there are limits," said Amy Mitchell, Deputy Director of the Project for Excellence in Journalism, Pew Research Center.

"They generally do not have a favorite pages, and yet to find anything. Most users online news on a regular basis are interested in many different pages," said Mitchell.

The survey also get the fact that 33 percent of mobile phone users get news from the spacecraft telecommunications car.

"Concern in the news at any moment, anywhere, through any vehicle, for those who want to keep that information literacy," said Kristen Purcell, Director of Research Internet & American Life Project, Pew Research Center.

News portals like Google News, AOL and Topix to online news source among the most commonly used, along with pages such as CNN, BBC and local newspapers and national.

37 percent of the Internet says pemgguna assist the creation of news, comment on it or pass it through social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter.

75 percent of users getting news online news because "forwards" via email or posting sites-social networking sites, while 52 percent claimed to share the news with others through "links."

The survey also disseminate the question of opinion in the media, in which 63 percent agreed with the news product news organizations that work great with lots to cover important news and reader attention.

However, 71 percent agreed with the statement, "most of the current news media bias in coverage"

Friday, September 4, 2009

Satellite Launched Disaster Mitigation 2011

Satelit Mitigasi Bencana Diluncurkan 2011

Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) in 2011 plans to launch a satellite Lapan twin Twinsat for disaster mitigation.

Head LAPAN Ir Dr Adi Sadewo Salatun, after signing a memorandum of understanding with the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) in Bogor, said Tuesday, Lapan Twinsat consisting of two twin satellites of the satellite "surveillance" and the satellite "Imager" is more accurate.

"Twinsat will be launched using rocket Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) in 2011. We have signed a cooperation contract for the satellite launch," he said.

The existence of these twin satellites, he said. intended for emergency communications when disasters.

Both satellites are currently in the process of integration in Rancabungur district, Bogor Regency, West Java. The satellite will be launched at an altitude of 650 km with inclination angle corresponding to the geographical position of Indonesia, which is 6-9 degrees.

"The ability to create micro satellites must be in our hands first, and later to the scale-up (development) further," he said.

Previously, LAPAN has made micro-satellite Lapan-Tubsat cooperation with the Technische Universitaet Berlin, Germany, which was launched in 2007 at the Sriharikota India.Hingga Lapan-Tubsat now still operate properly.

LAPAN also is building a satellite Lapan Lapan-A2 and-ORARI functioning for earth observation and communications.

In addition, said Adi, it also initiated the development of Edu-center is acceptable in all regions for the purposes of teaching.

We have already mapped LAPAN more than 300 thousand points or schools across Indonesia that can receive satellite broadcasts from the center of Edu.

"To be able to take advantage of these satellites, each school only need Rp 5 million to fund dish and other equipment," he said.

On the whole, he continued, needed 38 transponders, 20 transponders for tele-education and the rest can be used for commercial purposes.

However, said Adi, LAPAN not skilled in the operation of the satellite that is placed at an altitude of 36 thousand kilometers above the earth.

"I think SOE like Telkom is more experienced in operation," he said

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Biotechnology Can Overcome the World Hunger

Bioteknologi Bisa Atasi Kelaparan Dunia
World Food Organization (FAO) assess the potential of biotechnology improve the welfare of the poor in rural areas of developing countries.

It is said by the Assistant Director General of FAO, Madibo Traore, on behalf of the Director General of FAO, in a conference in Guadalajara Mexico for four days that lasted until March 4.

Agriculture Attache Embassy Rome Erizal Sodikin, told AFP correspondent London, Wednesday, saying the conference was to discuss aspects of biotechnology in the broad sense.

Conference theme: "Technical Conference on Agricultural Technology in Developing Countries: Options and Opportunities in Crop, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Agro-industry to face the challenge of Food Security, and Climate Change"

According to Madibo Traore, modern biotechnology and conventional is a very potential tool for the agricultural sector in the broad sense, including fisheries and forestry.

Nevertheless, biotechnology has not given an adequate influence on the lives of farmers in developing countries.

The conference is to discuss aspects of biotechnology in this broader sense, not directed to focus on the theme of discussion about GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms), which is the theme of a controversial nature, avoid the aspects associated with politics.

Question above is one of the main questions raised in the discussion that occurred at a conference on biotechnology in developing countries.

Acting as the main sponsor of this conference is the FAO, IFAD, CGIAR, and the Mexican government.

According to Erizal Sodikin, other issues are also a major question is the extent to which the role of biotechnology for improving the welfare of rural poor in developing countries.

The conference attracted around 200 participants from over 50 countries and delegates of international organizations and NGOs of the world, including Indonesia, represented by the Ministry of Agriculture delegates institutions, the Ministry of Forestry, and the elements of Rome and the Embassy Embassy Maksiko.

In his statement, the FAO also expressed some biotechnology innovations produced, for example, African hybrid rice, dairy cow milk results in Bangladesh, the use of DNA based methods for detection of shrimp diseases in India

Friday, July 3, 2009

Police Hold Spreader Photo naked in "Facebook"

Resort police officers (police) Mataram aka Toto hold IPE identified a picture of naked ex-girlfriend, CAW (17), in social networking "facebook".
Justify Full
"The young man we stand after an intensive inspection, Thursday (4 / 2) night," said Detective and Criminal visible (Reskrim) Police Mataram, AKP Nurcahyo Brenda Dady, SIK, in Mataram, Friday.

He said investigators first examined CAW on Thursday (4 / 2) evening and Toto are checked several hours later.

Toto is still honorary staff status at the Department of Public Works (PU) West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB) that recognizes all of his actions and expressed remorse.

"The suspect admitted his actions even though it was clear who distributed nude photos on` facebook `on Wednesday (3 / 2) and that," he said.

The young man was identified violating Law No. 11 Year 2008 on the Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE) Junto Article 282 of the Penal Code on the distribution of pornographic images, under penalty of six years in prison.

Andi admitted penyidiknya been coordinating with the relevant prosecution file completeness checking the minutes of criminal cases spreading nude photos that. Attorney suggested that complete evidence "log file" handheld dihandphone used to send naked fot it by MMS.

Nude photos were distributed without a head but CAW ensure photograph her naked body and Toto recognized the suspect as nude photos spread on the "facebook" is.

"The evidence supporting the panties nude photos appeared in it (lying on the floor) that had been seized as evidence," said Andi.

CAW (17), third-grader one private high school in Mataram, NTB, complained his girlfriend, IPE aka Toto, to the Police Mataram, Wednesday (3 / 2) afternoon, after learning nude photos posted on social networking "facebook".

However, the new CAW checked Thursday (4 / 3) evening because the reported cases have not been fully questioned because CAW to ask permission to eat lunch but returned to the police station the evening of Mataram or after office hours.

From the day the police investigation, Toto spreading nude photos desperate ex-boyfriend after the relationship affair was decided by CAW.

At first the man was threatening to show her pornographic videotapes with CAW when the intoxicated romance some time ago, the CAW's parents if relationship is terminated CAW.

CAW eventually relented and agreed to meet any request filed by Toto including sending nude photos via MMS stored dihandphone CAW.

The man was later informed that he had been spreading nude photos onto the Internet, because the CAW broke up with him, but his head is removed, so that looks at "facebook" naked female body has the head

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Study: Keep Teens From Screen TV

Parents who do not allow their children too long sitting in front of the TV or computer has been given praise by one study that linked too old teenager was in front of the screen with disorders related to another person.

Study findings, published in the Archives of Pediactric and Adoliescent Medicince, published in March, should reassure parents who feel guilty that they disarm their children enjoyed the entertainment of their peers, said the study's lead author Dr. Rose Richards of the University of Otago.

"Our findings provide a new guarantee that it's okay to limit the children watch TV," said Rose, as reported by Reuters Health. "In fact, it might result in stronger relationships between young people, their friends and their parents."

The study was based on the Study of Development and Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Life Patterns Youth Studies conducted by the university in the 1980s and in 2004.

Although the study adrift about 16 years and the nature of screen-based entertainment has changed, connection with family relationships seem similar.

"In the 1980s, there is an abundance of choices, so people watch television alone, but now there are many scenes that can be looked at someone for hours," said Rose told Reuters.

"We found that looking at any screen for a long time can damage, and advised parents to adhere to the suggested time limit, ie less than two hours of action at the screen every day," he said.

Youth Lifestyle Study involving 2042 New Zealand adolescents aged 14 to 15 years. All adolescents were completed confidential questions about their habits leisure, as well as assessment of their affection to their parents and their peers.

The researchers also evaluated the response of 976 interviews Dunedin Study members aged 15 years between 1987 and 1988.

"In the second study, we found a high use of television, or even a high use of computers, related to the problem of the relationship," said Rose. He added that a strong relationship with parents and friends is important for the health development of adolescents into adulthood.

"With the rapid pace of technology evolution that is based on the display, research is needed to monitor the impact it caused on social welfare, psychological and physical youth," he said.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Using earphones Tips To Not Deaf

Use of 'earphones' or earphones are not appropriate and too much can cause deafness. This problem affects many teenagers. And, based on the discovery of the National Poverty Hearing Loss and Deafness, this has been experienced by some teenagers who use the 'earphones' to the music player device in a plane from Bangkok to Jakarta and from the U.S. to Jakarta.

"We reached the airport Cengkareng, they become deaf ear to the degree of deafness 110 decibels (db). While our normal 0-25 db hearing, "said Chairman of the National Poverty Hearing Loss and Deafness, Damayanti Soetjipto to announce Day Ear and Hearing Health at SDN 05 Rawasari, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, March 3, 2010.

According to him, if such interference would be difficult to be treated and cured. Even the worst that will happen is to have permanent deafness. Treatment can only restore any degree of hearing loss to 55 db and is included in the category of moderate degrees of deafness weight will not be back to normal.

And please note, the early symptoms of this disorder in the high tones that are often not felt because most of us converse in low tones. After all frequencies are affected, only that the hearing was disrupted and it was too late for treatment.

Therefore, to avoid hearing loss, use the music player with a good and true. Bagimana way, tipsnya following:

- Volume not exceed 80 db or the volume set at 50-60% of total volume.

- Do not be too long listening to music through earphones, let alone all the time. Give ear break every ½ -1 hour. For if the organ in the cochlea was tired of hearing can be permanently damaged.

- Use a music player that has a volume control

- Do not use music players in aircraft or in noisy environments, because in that situation you tend to raise the volume that will damage your hearing.